Synopsis: Over the course of one night in Nashville, Tennessee, a jaded rockstar-turned-Uber driver chauffeurs a newly-appointed trainee. Along their routes throughout the city, the two are introduced to a cast of peculiar passengers who break down personal barriers and become vulnerable characters, freed by the confines of a shared car, the dark of the night, and the power of laughter mixed with heartbreak. All the while, the city of Nashville colors the journey, in all of its kitschy, southern glory.
Official selection of Atlanta Film Festival, Nashville Film Festival, Indie Grits Festival, and BendFilm Festival.
Winner of the Big Grit Award for Best Feature Film at Indie Grits Festival.
Atlanta Film Festival - 3/28/2017
Indie Grits Festival - 4/20/2017
Nashville Film Festival - 4/22/2017
Argha Noah Bike-In Movie Night - 9/22/2017
Film Night on Clay Street - 10/6/2017
BendFilm Festival - 10/13/2017
Unicorn Gardens Outdoor Film Series - 7/12/2018